Monday, September 10, 2007

Amazing roo rescue

We have the most amazing roo rescue that took place last week..

Setting the scene> someone calls 1300BADGAR, Walt, Shaun, Monika, Melissa and Luke are all enjoying wine at Walt's house. "there's a kangaroo stuck in our dam" We all rush out on the 20 min drive.
We get there, there's a large-ish female roo tummy deep in freezing water, she's stuck in the mud. It's 8c outside.
We use the mum, 2 kids, the roo net and our amphibian Shaun who like a crock, submerges himself into freezing water. Net is ready, sedation is ready, Shaun moves in to scare it out of the water... and into the net... but this roo ain't goin anywhere!
It's feet are firmly stuck in the mud. Shaun picks up freezing roo, we sedate her, check her out and she's a mum with joey at foot. Great we say, it's 8.30pm, freezing Victorian night... anyway, the mum had been attacked by a dog, so whilst Shaun, Monika and Walt were checking out the go on the mum, Melissa and Luke by chance, did an area search for a little joey.
10 minutes had passed, no sign of the two anywhere.... We're ready to call it a night, mum needed to be put down and we were getting itchy feet. As if like a scene from a movie, against a bright light, the two walk towards the scene. Walt shouts 'where have you been.. we've gotta go..." then proudly Melissa hands a tiny joey over....

The chances of finding babies once dropped are slim, especially slim are the chances at night, in the bush. Turns out another female roo was minding the bub nearby. She had a large joey in pouch, but stood over the little one until it tried to run.
The little one is now called Mallaluka and is doing really well!!!It goes to say that the lady and two 8 year old lads who's property it was, thought we were complete gods!!!!

Mum was no good, blind in one eye, calcified old foot wound and bad maul marks everywhere...

How good's that?!


Anonymous said...

you guys came to help get a baby possum from near Ballarat.. thank for helping us, we have added your rescue number into our fone.... is it doing ok? Sam and Pete

Anonymous said...

howd you catch the baby?

Anonymous said...

Hey you lot.. we're in Waubra.. you got a possum from us thats mum was killed.... cheers for that....